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Astrologer Rahul Shastri
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Pride is the act of deep satisfaction towards self. It is something that makes you feel that you can never be wrong. Pride can be the reason for distance between your close friends, and families. It is the most common reason for disputes between husband and wife. If I asked you a question; “Is pride killing your relationship?” If your answer is “yes” to the question, then you must try to consult the top love problem solution astrologer.

Signs of pride in the relationship

A little pride should be there because it makes a man work hard. It helps to be more focused on your work. Just like having an excess amount of anything in the human body creates a problem. Similarly having Pride in access amount in nature also causes a problem. If you are stubborn, short-sighted, and think you are always right, then you may be wrong at your place. Excessive pride can ruin your relationship.  There are many reasons through which you can get to know that pride is there in your relationship.

  • Feeling offended by your partner’s opinion
  • Feeling superior to partner
  • Feeling that you know what is best or what is wrong with the other person
  • If you fail to add your shortcomings
  • Become defensive during discussions
  • Carelessness toward your responsibility to your partner

How pride can destroy relationships?

  • It kills the trust between partners
  • It decreases the compassion and affection
  • It affects the emotional security

How to deal with pride in a relationship?

Dealing with Pride can be a little difficult but not impossible.

  • Accept your shortcomings
  • If you have hurt your partner, learn to apologize at the moment
  • Don’t be so serious every time.
  • Always appreciate your partner
  • Learn to compromise on little things

If you are unable to change your prideful nature, even after trying above steps; then consult the best relationship counselor.

Is Pride killing your relationship? If yes then how astrologer can help?

Is pride killing your relationship? If this question is coming in your mind, then consult the best astrology expert to guide you. If you want online astrology services on Whatsapp. Then contact the Whatsapp number of the astrologer +91-8289009069 to get a love problem solution. I Astrologer Rahul Shastri, the best relationship counselor In India helped many couples to fight with pride in relationships.

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